Reading List: An interview with Carey Gillam, whose new book sheds light on the issues around glyphosate

During her career as an investigative journalist, Carey Gillam covered topics in business and agriculture, and wrote some of the first news articles considering the potential dangers of glyphosate. She now works at U.S. Right to Know, a nonprofit group working for transparency in the United States food system. She has recently published the book Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science that is the culmination of her 19 years of work on glyphosate and Monsanto.

In the interview she discusses Monsanto’s tactics in promoting glyphosate, saying “It’s indisputable that Monsanto has made a grand effort to deceive regulators, policymakers, and the public for many, many years about this chemical… One example is the network of scientists around the world that Monsanto has developed as a secret army of soldiers that it can deploy whenever it needs in order to convince regulators, scientific journals, or the press that Monsanto’s position is valid and that any concerns are not.”

Later, she points out, “[There] is another, bigger message: I don’t see this as just a Monsanto or glyphosate problem. If we did away with Monsanto or glyphosate tomorrow, that doesn’t solve the pesticide problem. We have become so dependent on pesticides as an easy or quick fix for anything we identify as a problem. It’s not healthy, and it’s not sustainable for the long term.”

Read the full interview here: